Sunday, 18 February 2018


I watched the documentary cowspiracy, i found some very striking facts from it. 

  • Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.
  • The leading causes of rainforest destruction are livestock and feed crops.
  • Animal Agriculture is responsible for 20%-33% of all fresh water consumption in the world today.  
  • 11,365 litres of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef. 
viva cruel Britannia

reasons why people dont think going vegan is a good idea
-we are designed to eat meat
we aren't  we have herbiove teeth, need more fibre rather than meat, the countries where deseases are less common eat less meat
we don't have protein receptors but do have salt receptors
Heart disease is the biggest killer in the usa, because of cholesterol build up in arteries.

why do we have dogs and cats as pets and not cows and pigs? its because society have made it this way.

-You get deficiencies from being vegan
protein can be found in beans, legumes, green vegetables and most plant based foods. 
eggs have loads of cholestoral.
calcium can be found in green leafy vegetables as well as all of the  fibre and vitamins.
iron can be found in lots of plants and its a different type of iron  that can help prevent heart disease.

-Killing animals is a fact of life
animals are bred in their billions each year purely to be killed, many never even see the outdoors and don't have a good or long life.
animals still fear death and feel the same as us humans do 

-Egg and dairy industry doesn't kill animals so its okay
eggs even including free range eggs the hens are genetically modified to lay up to 300 eggs annually when they are only meant to lay up to 30 this is extremely painful for them and often fatal. 
they are kept in tiny cages that they can hardly even spread their wings in and slaughtered when they can no longer produce often way before their usual lifespan. 
Dairy farming does the same thing by taking the calf away from its mother hours after birth and then feeds the mother hormones to keep her producing milk for longer. the calfs are slaughtered for veal of raised for cheap beef. 

-World Hunger
we slaughter and kill 60 billion animals each year to eat and 6 million children die of starvation each year. In order to feed animals we have to grow crops for them to eat. if we diddnt have to grow the crops to feed animals we could feed every human on earth with just plants. 

-The effect on Climate and environment
The methane cows produce is going into the atmosphere and causing climate change. The meat and dairy industry causes more pollution than transport. 

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