Monday, 15 May 2017

Book covers

With my book covers my choice of colour was based around existing penguin books. The book covers have blocks of colour to keep them simple and understated. A limited colour palette kept the books classical but I used reletively bright colours so the books were current and modern to the newer reader. When comparing to older book covers the colours are much more muted, this makes my covers a much more modern and hopefully draw into a newer audience. 

From researching existing penguin book covers, I chose to use DIN condensed bold and Futura. This font is similar to that of penguin books but slightly more contempary as I wanted the books to appeal to a younger audience.

I conducted research into the Marber grid wich is what all penguin book covers are based around. This research enabled me to practice playing around with the idea of grids and following a system worked much better than my previous experimentations with my own layout. My book covers also followed a symetrical theme so that the cover had balance when it was seen from open. 

I had to think about paignation for my penguin book covers, making sure the spine and the front and back were lined up accordingly. I had to considder the design for each part so it worked in the overall format. Looking into the sizing of the spine and each cover to get the proportions of a penguin book. 

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